Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics refers to the regulation of the Head of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Number 5 of 2014. About the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications.
It is summarized as follows:
Duties and Responsibilities of Journal Managers and Publishers
- Determine the name of the journal, scientific scope, periodicity, and apply for accreditation if necessary. Determine the membership of the editorial board.
- Define the relationship between publishers, editors, reviewers, and other parties in a contract.
- Respect confidential matters, both for contributing researchers, authors, editors, and reviewers.
- Implement norms and provisions regarding intellectual property rights, especially copyright.
- Conduct a review of journal policies and communicate them to authors, the editorial board, bestary partners, and readers.
- Establish guidelines for rules and ethical behavior for editors and bestary partners.
- Publish the journal regularly.
- Ensure the availability of funding sources for the sustainability of journal publishing.
- Building a network of cooperation with research institutions and related agencies.
- Preparing licenses and other legal aspects.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Editor
- Bringing together the needs of readers and writers, striving for continuous improvement in the quality of publications.
- Implement a process to ensure the quality of published papers.
- Promoting freedom of opinion objectively.
- Maintaining the integrity of the author's academic track record.
- Deliver corrections, clarifications, and apologies if necessary.
- Responsible for the style and format of scientific writing, while the content and all statements in the paper are the responsibility of the author.
- Actively solicit the opinions of authors, readers, bestarial partners, and members of the editorial board to improve the quality of publications.
- Conduct regular internal evaluations of the quality of scientific journals.
- Support author initiatives on publication ethics by including a clearance form in each manuscript submission.
- Be open-minded to new opinions or views of others that may conflict with personal opinions for the advancement of science.
- Avoid objective decisions by not defending one's own, the author's or a third party's opinion by finding a solution that is scientifically justified.
- Encourage the author to make improvements to the paper until it is suitable for publication.
Duties and Responsibilities of Bestary Partners
- Reviewing papers and submitting the results of the review to the editor, as material for determining the eligibility of a paper for publication.
- Reviewers do not conduct scientific reviews of papers in which they are involved, either directly or indirectly.
- Provide positive advice, input and recommendations on scientific paper manuscripts.
- Maintain the author's privacy by not disseminating the results of corrections, suggestions, and recommendations on a manuscript.
- Encourage the author to make improvements to the paper.
- Review the corrected manuscript in accordance with predetermined standards.
- The paper is reviewed in a timely manner in accordance with the publication's style based on scientific principles (data collection methods, author legality, conclusions, etc.) that have been determined.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Author
- Ensure that those included in the author list have met the criteria as authors.
- Take collective responsibility for the work and content of the article including methods, analysis, calculations, and details.
- State where the resources (including funding) came from, either directly or indirectly.
- Explaining the limitations of the research.
- Responding to comments made by bestary partners and the editorial board in a professional scientific and timely manner.
- Inform the editor in writing if they will withdraw the paper.
Make a statement that the paper submitted for publication is original, and has never been published anywhere and in any language, and is not in the process of submission to another publisher.