Author Guidlines
We accept research articles in both English. Submitted manuscripts will go through a review process first. If the submitted article passes the review process, the article can proceed to the next stage. The general guidelines for writing articles are as follows:
- Articles must be original, meaning they have not been published in any other journal or book in any language.
- Authors must pay attention to the focus and scope in accordance with the Scientica Education Journal.
- Articles can be written in English or Indonesian.
- Title, abstract (150-250 words), and keywords (3-5 keywords) must be written in English and Indonesian. Non-Indonesian authors may submit an abstract in English only.
- The content of the article itself should be 5,000 to 10,000 words, excluding the bibliography.
- 6. The article writing format consists of: 1. introduction; 2. Theoretical Review; 3. method; 3. results and discussion; 4. conclusion; 5. bibliography. Please create a journal according to the template.
- Conference papers and theses/dissertations may be considered for publication if (a) the author identifies the article as originating from these materials, and (b) if they have been thoroughly revised.
- Authors must disclose all co-authors who contributed to the writing at the time of submission by including all names in the submission metadata.
- Authors should be responsible with their citation sources and conform to the required format as described later in these guidelines.
- Authors are strongly encouraged to use citation management software, such as: Mendeley, Zotero, and Endnote, to create citations and bibliographies, except for primary legal materials.
Our template can be downloaded HERE