
  • Journal of Accounting Science & Business

    Journal OF Accounting Science & Bussinees (JASBIS) is a scientific journal in the field of Accounting published by the Accounting Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Muara Bungo University, to disseminate research results and innovative ideas in the fields of Accounting, Accounting Science, Business sourced from the academic community of educational accounting, experts, professional associations, bureaucracy, and practitioners of educational/school accounting.

    Journal title : Journal OF Accounting Science & Bussinees
    Initials : JASBIS
    Frequency : -
    DOI : On Process
    ISSN Online : On Process
    Editor in Chief : Tommy Ferdian, SE., M.Si
    Managing Editor : -
    Section Editor : Gita Suliska SE., M.S.Ak
    Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Muara Bungo
    Accreditation : On Process


  • Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan

    Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan (JUMABIKA) is a scientific journal in the field of Management published by the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics, Muara Bungo University, to disseminate research results and innovative ideas in the fields of Management, Accounting, Business and entrepreneurship sourced from the academic community of educational management, experts, professional associations, bureaucracy, and practitioners of educational/school management.

    Journal title : Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis dan Kewirausahaan
    Initials : JUMABIKA
    Frequency : -
    DOI : On Process
    ISSN Online : On Process
    Editor in Chief : Dr. Nur Ika Effendi, SE., M.M
    Managing Editor : -
    Section Editor : -
    Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Muara Bungo
    Accreditation : On Process
  • Jurnal Ekonomi Bisnis Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi

    Jurnal Ekonnomi Bisnis Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi (JEBKI) is a scientific journal in the field of Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship published by the Faculty of Economics, Muara Bungo University to disseminate research results and innovative thinking in the fields of: Economics, Accounting, Management, Business, creative economy, Technology and Entrepreneurship sourced from academics in the field of educational economics, experts, professional associations, bureaucracy, and practitioners of educational/school economics.

    Journal title : Jurnal Ekonnomi Bisnis Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi
    Initials : JEBKI
    Frequency : -
    DOI : On Process
    ISSN Online : On Process
    Editor in Chief : Ronald N Girsang, SE., M.S.Ak
    Managing Editor : -
    Section Editor : Laula Dwi Martika SE., M.Si
    Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Muara Bungo
    Accreditation : On Process
  • International Journal Of Business Enterpreneurship.

    International Journal Of Business Enterprenuershep (IJOBE)  is a scientific journal in the field of Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship published by the Faculty of Economics, Muara Bungo University to disseminate research results and innovative thinking in the fields of: Economics, Accounting, Management, Business, creative economy and entrepreneurship sourced from academics in the field of educational economics, experts, professional associations, bureaucracy, and practitioners of educational/school economics.

    Journal title : International Journal Of Business Enterprenuershep
    Initials : IJOBE
    Frequency : -
    DOI : On Process
    ISSN Online : On Process
    Editor in Chief : Dr. Nur Ika Effendi, SE., M.M
    Managing Editor : -
    Section Editor : -
    Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Muara Bungo
    Accreditation : On Process
  • Jurnal Abdimas Bungo

    Jurnal Abdimas Bungo (JAB) is a journal that publishes community service in the field of economic empowerment, business empowerment and increasing entrepreneurial spirit published by the Faculty of Economics, Muara Bungo University.

    Journal title : Jurnal Abdimas Bungo
    Initials : JAB
    Frequency : -
    DOI : On Process
    ISSN Online : On Process
    Editor in Chief : Tommy Ferdian, SE., M.Si
    Managing Editor : -
    Section Editor : Gita Suliska SE., M.S.Ak
    Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Muara Bungo
    Accreditation : On Process