About the Journal
Jurnal Ekonnomi Bisnis Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi (JEBKI) is a scientific journal in the field of Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship published by the Faculty of Economics, Muara Bungo University to disseminate research results and innovative thinking in the fields of: Economics, Accounting, Management, Business, creative economy, Technology and Entrepreneurship sourced from academics in the field of educational economics, experts, professional associations, bureaucracy, and practitioners of educational/school economics.
Journal title | : Jurnal Ekonnomi Bisnis Kewirausahaan dan Inovasi |
Initials | : JEBKI |
Frequency | : - |
DOI | : On Process |
ISSN Online | : On Process |
Editor in Chief | : Ronald N Girsang, SE., M.S.Ak |
Managing Editor | : - |
Section Editor | : Laula Dwi Martika SE., M.Si |
Publisher | : Fakultas Ekonomi - Universitas Muara Bungo |
Accreditation | : On Process |